Honoring our Veterans

Each year, Mountainfilm on Tour – Savannah hosts a special screening of documentary films in honor of Veterans Day where attendees enjoy food, drink, and fascinating documentary films.

The headliner for our 11th Annual Honoring Our Veterans event is the feature-length film THE GRAB, to be followed by a Q&A with film personalities. Join us on Thursday, November 7th at 6PM at Service Brewing Company to catch this incredible film!



2024 | USA
Director: Gabriela Cowperthwaite

Quietly and seemingly out of sight, governments, private investors and mercenaries are working to seize food and water resources at the expense of entire populations. These groups are establishing themselves as the new OPEC, where the future world powers will be those who control not oil, but food.

And it’s all beginning to bubble to the surface in real time. Global food prices have hit an all-time high, threatening chaos and violence. Meanwhile, Russia is using food as a weapon against the Ukrainians, and as a geopolitical tool to wield global power.

THE GRAB is a global thriller combining hard-hitting journalism from The Center for Investigative Reporting with the compelling character-driven storytelling of director Gabriela Cowperthwaite, taking you around the globe from Arizona to Zambia, to reveal one of the world’s biggest and least known threats.

Many thanks to our event sponsors!

Marci Mylan and Mike Wilson

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